What We Believe

The Bible

We believe that The Bible is authoritative, credible and ultimately a trustworthy book for faith and life.


We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in the Persons of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus is the Son of God, was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, died on a cross for our sin and rose from the dead. We believe that He is coming again.


We believe that Salvation is a free gift of God that is received through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance from our sins.

Water Baptism

We believe that the ‘next step’ for people who have chosen to follow Christ personally is to be baptized in water. Baptism is ultimately an act of obedience to God and a public confession of faith in Jesus – in His death and resurrection.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit distributes His gifts along with His presence to those who choose to follow Jesus. We believe that He empowers His people for service and to be witnesses through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2. 

The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues.

Eternal Life

We believe in life beyond this world that is described in the Bible as Paradise or Heaven. We also believe in a place of eternal death described in the Bible as Hell. The Bible teaches that we have ‘eternity in our hearts’. Eternal life starts now, when the believer chooses to follow Christ personally.

For a detailed statement of faith you can read the PAOC Statement of Fundamental and Essential Truths by clicking here.